Design & Trends

Is This Avant-Garde Furniture Store in Valencia the Future of Small-Sized Spaces?

Is This Avant-Garde Furniture Store in Valencia the Future of Small-Sized Spaces?

New Avant-Garde Furniture Store Launches at the heart of Valencia

Next Stop in Valencia, Masquespacio's Revolution in Small-Sized Spaces

Avant-garde Spanish studio, Masquespacio embarks on another agenda-setting project - a novel "small-sized space" concept. The new idea finds expression in a contemporary furniture showroom based in Valencia.

Bakery in Valencia: Home to Small Space

The century-old bakery space is now home to the innovative showroom. You won't miss its vibrant pink entrance. Inside is a visual treat of angles, colors, textures, and striking balances between furniture collections and installation spaces.

A Blend of History, Design, and Techniques

Masquespacio respects the original architecture, paying homage to its history and merging it gracefully with contemporary design and avant-garde visual merchandising techniques.

Multi-Brand Collections at Small Space

Discover curated collections from different brands and designers at Small Space. Exclusively displayed are Spanish labels, such as Sancal and Teixidors, alongside international brands like Frama and Traullit. -The ‘Small Space’ concept -Vibrant pink entrance -Display of angles, colors, and textures -Blend of history, design, and techniques -Curated collections from different brands #SmallSpace #AvantGarde #Furniture #Valencia #SpanishDesign #ContemporaryShowroom #MultiBrandCollection #VisualMerchandising #Sancal #Teixidors #Frama #Traullit #Masquespacio #InteriorDesign #BakeryStoreRevamp

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